As soon as inbound delivery is replicated in the EWM , system should determine staging bay & goods movement bin.
The determination of staging bay & goods movement bin is mandatory in the EWM.
System throws error “/SCWM/DELIVERY012” if it fails in determination of staging bay & goods movement bin.

We will use the configuration of staging area / door determination from shipping and receiving in order for the system to be able to determine staging bay & goods movement bin in the inbound delivery.
Table of Contents
1. How Staging Bay & Goods Movement Bin is Determined
We have created an inbound delivery & it is replicated to EWM
Below staging area is determined in our IBD

Note Down the Staging Bay & Goods Movement Bin Determined in IBD.
There are two ways of determining the staging bay & goods movement bin --> The system uses the standard staging area (and group) to find staging areas --> As per the settings in Transaction "Staging Area and Door Determination (Inbound)" -/SCWM/STADET_IN
This is decided by the access sequence.
As per our access sequence for inbound process, determine staging area & door as per the WPT i.e., as per the settings in Staging Area and Door Determination (Inbound)-/SCWM/STADET_IN
For our IBD, Staging Bay determined is D-INB-STG-A with Staging Area ISTA & Staging Area Group PIGR corresponding to WPT IB17 as shown in setting below

Below is the configuration for Staging Bay & Goods Movement Bin Determination
2. Define Staging Areas
Staging areas are used for interim storage for goods after unloading or before loading.
During loading, the sequence of the bins in the staging area can be used as a loading sequence.
--> Staging area is defined by a storage type (called staging area group), a storage section (called staging area), and one or several storage bins (called staging bays). --> Staging Areas are nothing but Storage sections which come under Staging area groups i.e. Storage Type with a role "D" --> A staging area can be assigned to one or several doors.
We have configured total 14 Staging areas for our car business
You can download all the 14 staging area in excel with all fields from the resource center HERE
Please see below the excel screenshot here

Please see below the staging area configuration in the system

Download all the 14 Staging area configuration fields in excel HERE
3. Define Staging Area and Door Determination Groups
In the business, sometimes different products needs to be staged through a special way, for example – temp sensitive products etc. So we need to determine different door & staging area for special needs products which have these facilities like -chilled products etc. This is done through staging area and door determination groups which is configured here.
We enter the staging area and door determination group under Warehouse Data for a product.
We have configured below staging area and door determination groups

4. Define Warehouse Door
Here we define warehouse doors for each warehouse along with the loading direction – either only inbound, only outbound, or both inbound and outbound.
--> A door is defined by a door number and a storage bin (that is door bin). Note : The storage bin must be located in a storage type with storage type role "F". The storage type does not contain any storage section. Furthermore, a door is assigned to a staging area.
The system uses the standard staging area (and group) to find staging areas, if it cannot find any entries in the assignment table
we have configured several doors for our WH. You can download all the doors configuration in excel all from the resource center HERE.

Please note that Storage type for WH door is DOGR (Role “F”).
4.1 Door BINs under Door Storage Types
We have created door Storage type as “DOGR”
Below are the BINs created under Door ST “DOGR”

Note : Please download the complete list of all doors Bin from download center HERE
4.2 Assign Door Storage Bin and SCU (/SCWM/DOOR_SCU)
In this EASY ACCESS transaction we assign the door storage bin to warehouse door.
Door bin is recognized in the delivery due to this configuration.
We have made the below setting to assign the door to the door storage bin
Below is the path for this setting.
SAP Easy Access –> SCM Extended Warehouse Management –> Extended Warehouse Management –> Master Data –> Shipping and Receiving –>/SCWM/DOOR_SCU – Assign Door Storage Bin and Supply Chain Unit

--> Please note that Goods movement bin will be determined as "D-GR-DOOR1" as per the above setting.
5. Assign Staging Area to Warehouse Door
Here we make the assignment between staging areas and doors.
These assignments are the basis for the determination rules (staging area, group, and door) in the delivery.
Please see below the assignment of staging area to the warehouse door done for our warehouse

You can download all the assignment done for our WH in excel from the resource center HERE.

6. Staging Area and Door Determination(Inbound)-/SCWM/STADET_IN
In this SAP easy transaction, we maintain the staging area and door determination
We are determining this as per WPT. Later on we will maintain the same in the access sequence.

Staging Area and Door Determination (Outbound) -/SCWM/STADET_OUT
7. Access Sequence to Staging Areas & Door Determination (/SCWM/STADET_ASS)
Here we do the settings how system should determine the staging area as per priority.
Below is the path for this setting.
SAP Easy Access –> SCM Extended Warehouse Management –> Extended Warehouse Management –> Settings –> Shipping and Receiving –> /SCWM/STADET_ASS – Access Sequence to Staging Areas and Door Determination

In the above we have specified that for inbound process determine staging area & door as per the WPT i.e., as per the settings in Staging Area and Door Determination (Inbound)-/SCWM/STADET_IN