In the fast-paced world of SAP logistics, optimizing Stock Transport Orders (STO) is crucial for efficient inter-plant stock movement. While the 2-Step STO with Delivery is commonly used, many businesses seek a streamlined 1-Step STO with Delivery to reduce processing time and improve supply chain efficiency. But how do you configure both 1-Step and 2-Step STOs between the same plants without conflicts?
In this guide, we’ll walk you through the step-by-step process to set up a 1-Step STO with Delivery alongside an already configured 2-Step STO, ensuring seamless operations. Whether you’re an SAP consultant, MM specialist, or supply chain manager, mastering these configurations will help you boost workflow efficiency, minimize lead time, and optimize inventory management. Let’s dive in!

Configure 1-Step STO with Delivery Alongside 2-Step STO Between the Same Plants: 7 Easy Steps
- Step 1: Configure all the required Elements
First configure all the elements required as explained in heading Configuration of 1-Step Stock Transfer Order with Delivery
- Step 2: Extend the material in the receiving plant
The material should be extended in both sending & receiving plant. Please check the below post for details.
2 Minutes Guide to Create your First Material in S4 HANA – Extension of Material to Other Plants - Step 3: Suppling Plant should be created as supplier in the receiving plant purchasing organization
We will create the suppling plant PA10 as a supplier as “PA10_PLANT”. Check the below post for details
How To Configure S4HANA BP and CVI In 7 Easy Steps – Creation of BP Supplier for STO with Delivery Scenario - Step 4: Receiving plant should be created as customer in the sending plant sales organization & distribution channel.
We will create the Receiving Plant PA20 as a customer as “PA20_CUST”. Check the below post for details
How To Configure S4HANA BP and CVI In 7 Easy Steps – Creation of BP Customer for STO with Delivery Scenario - Step 5: Create the STO
Check the Presence of “Shipping” Tab as well as “YNL” delivery type, Route “PA1020” in the “Shipping” tab.
- Step 6: Create the Outbound Delivery
Use VL10B or create the delivery automatically through batch job certain days ahead of PGI date as per business.
Please check the below post for the detail of copy control configuration for this scenario
SAP Delivery Guide: Outbound to Inbound -Copy Control for 1-Step Stock Transfer Order with Delivery - Step 7: Single Transaction Goods Issue & Goods Receipt
Since this is 1 step delivery so Goods issue in the issuing plant & Goods Receipt in the receiving plant would happen simultaneously through movement type 647.
Table of Contents
Step 1: Configure 1-Step STO with Delivery
We will configure all the required elements for 1-Step STO with delivery like PO Document type, Delivery Type, Schedule Line Type, etc.
--> We need separate PO Doc type for 1-step STO with delivery in order to be able to assign different schedule line to have a different movement type (Movement Type-647) compare to 2-step STO with delivery (Movement Type-641)
a) Configure PO Doc. Type for 1-Step STO with Delivery
In this configuration
–> We Check and copy existing document types for purchase orders and
–> define allowed item categories for each document type
Document types configuration controls item interval, determine allowed follow-on document types & number range interval etc.
We will use PO document type YUD for 1-Step STO with delivery
Follow the below path for document type configuration
SPRO –> Materials Management –> Purchasing –> Purchase Order –> Define Document Types for Purchase Orders

b) Configure Allowed Item Category for 1-Step STO with Delivery
For 1-STO with Delivery, Allowed Item Category is “U”

c) Configure Pricing Schema for 1-Step Stock Transfer Order with Delivery
Please check the below post to Configure Pricing Schema for STO Without Delivery. It is same as for this process
Ultimate guide to SAP S4 HANA MM Pricing Procedure – Pricing Schema for Stock Transport Orders
d) Configure Delivery Type for 1-Step STO with Delivery
We will use PO Delivery Type “YNL” for the 1-Step Stock Transfer Order with Delivery.
Please see below post for delivery type “YNL” configuration
SAP Delivery Guide: Outbound to Inbound – YNL-1 Step STO with Delivery
e) Item Category configuration & determination for “1-Step Stock Transfer Order with Delivery”
For “1-Step Stock Transfer Order with Delivery”, item category “YNLN” is used.
Please check the below post for item category configuration & determination
Mastering SAP Sales Item Categories: A Comprehensive Guide-Item Category for 1-Step Stock Transfer Order with Delivery
Mastering SAP Sales Item Categories: A Comprehensive Guide – Item Category Determination for 1-Step Stock Transfer Order with Delivery
f) Schedule Line configuration & determination for “1-Step Stock Transfer Order with Delivery”
For 1-Step Stock Transfer Order with Delivery, schedule line category “ZN” is used.
SAP Schedule Line Categories Explained: Everything You Need to Know – 1-Step Stock Transfer Order with Delivery “ZN”
SAP Schedule Line Categories Explained: Everything You Need to Know – Schedule Line Category Determination for 1-Step Stock Transfer Order
g) Define Shipping Data for Plants
This Configuration es exactly same as for 2-Step STO with Delivery. Please see below post to see the details of this configuration.
2-Step SAP Stock Transport Order with Delivery: A Complete Guide – Define Shipping Data for Plants
h) Configure Stock Transport Order
Here we will do the necessary configuration for Stock Transfer Order (STO).
First we will configure delivery type and availability check for 1-step stock transport order.
Follow the below path
SPRO –> Materials Management –> Purchasing –> Purchase Order –> Set up Stock Transport Order –> Configure Delivery Type & Availability Check Procedure by Plant
In this configuration we specify whether an SD delivery is to be created in the case of a PO with a certain combination of supplying plant and document type.
You can also specify which delivery type is to be used.
For 1-Step STO with delivery we use stock type “YUD” with delivery type “YNL”

i) Copying Control from STO to Delivery
For the 1-step SAP Stock Transport Order with Delivery, PO document type is “YUD” & delivery type is “YNL”.
--> For Delivery "YNL" , Predecessor document is Purchase Order instead of Sales order.
--> in this case We take source Sales Doc. Type as "DL"
We need to configure copying control in order to create “YNL” delivery on the basis of “DL” document type.
Please check the below post for the detail of copy control configuration for this scenario
SAP Delivery Guide: Outbound to Inbound -Copy Control for 1-Step Stock Transfer Order with Delivery
j) Delivery Scheduling and Transportation Scheduling
Delivery scheduling & transportation scheduling is done same as 2-step stock transfer order with delivery as given in the below post
2-Step SAP Stock Transport Order with Delivery: A Complete Guide – Delivery Scheduling and Transportation Scheduling in SAP S/4 HANA
This completes the configuration of 1-Step STO with delivery.
Step 2: Extend the material in the receiving plant
Here sending plant is PA10 & Receiving plant is PA20.
The material should be available in both sending & receiving plants. Please check the below post to see the step be step explanation of how to extend the material to another plant
2 Minutes Guide to Create your First Material in S4 HANA – Extension of Material to Other Plants
Step 3: Suppling Plant as a supplier in the Receiving Plant Purchasing Organization
We will create the suppling plant PA10 as a supplier as “PA10_PLANT” Please check the below post in detail
How To Configure S4HANA BP and CVI In 7 Easy Steps – Creation of BP Supplier for STO with Delivery Scenario
Step 4: Receiving as a customer in the Sending Plant Sales Organization & Distribution Channel.
We will create the Receiving Plant PA20 as a customer as “PA20_CUST”. Check the below post for details
How To Configure S4HANA BP and CVI In 7 Easy Steps – Creation of BP Customer for STO with Delivery Scenario
Step 5: Create the STO & check the Presence of “Shipping” Tab.
Create the STO now. Start ME21N , input all the data and press enter
“Shipping” tab with “Shipping” data should appear in the PO line item

--> Delivery type is "YNL" as configured in the section Configure Delivery Type for Two Step Stock Transfer Order with Delivery
--> Shipping Point is "PA10" as configured in the post Configure SAP S4 HANA Logistics Execution Organization Structure in 5 Minutes – Define Shipping Points
--> Route in STO is determined as "PA1020" as configured in the section Route Determination Configuration Between Plant PA10 & PA20 (Route "PA1020")
Step 6: Create the Outbound Delivery
Create the outbound delivery through VL10B or create the delivery automatically through batch job.
We need to configure copying control in order to create “YNL” delivery on the basis of “YUD” document type. Please check the below post for the detail of copy control configuration for this scenario
SAP Delivery Guide: Outbound to Inbound -Copy Control for 1-Step Stock Transfer Order with Delivery
Please see the below post to check the detail configuration of automatic delivery creation
2-Step SAP Stock Transport Order with Delivery: A Complete Guide – Activate Automatic Delivery Creation
Please check the movement type & item category in the outbound delivery.
Item Category in Outbound delivery for 2-Step STO with Delivery

Movement Type in Outbound delivery for 1-Step STO with Delivery

--> Movement Type should be "647" & Item category should be "YNLN" as configured for 1-Step STO with Delivery
--> Movement type comes from the scheduling line configuration as explained in the Heading Schedule Line configuration & determination for “1-Step Stock Transfer Order with Delivery”
--> Item category "YNLN" configuration & determination is explained in the Heading Item Category configuration & determination for “1-Step Stock Transfer Order with Delivery”
Step 7: Single Transaction Goods Issue & Goods Receipt
Now we do the pick pack & Goods issue to the outbound delivery
--> In the 1-Step STO with delivery, as soon as we do goods issue to the outbound delivery in the issuing plant, goods receipt in the receiving plant happens automatically.
--> Since Goods receipt happens automatically based on the PO (no inbound delivery is required), so there should be no "confirmation control key" in the PO.
--> Since there is no requirement of inbound delivery in the receiving plant (GR happens based on PO), there is no requirement of SPED configuration for 1-Step STO with delivery
Please check the PO history after outbound delivery PGI. System has posted Goods Receipt as well.

Below accounting document will be generated at PGI

--> We can post invoice for any delivery cost. But since this is intra company Stock transfer so material cost can not be invoiced.