Migrate Your Data – Migration Cockpit to SAP S/4HANA

Migrate Your Data – Migration Cockpit to SAP S/4HANA

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For the new versions of S4 HANA , if we try to run LTMC system throws the below error

Picture: LTMC Error

Try to open the app

Sometimes there is a issue with the configuration of front end system and it is not possible to execute the app Migration Cockpit to SAP S/4HANA on S4 HANA.

The Error description is below

“Cannot create project. Certain settings are required before projects can be created. Contact SAP for support by creating a ticket using component CA-LT-MC”

or system might throw below error message as soon as you click on the app “Migrate Your Data – Migration Cockpit”

Picture: Error message

This error happens due to missing of odata service “MIG_MC_ODATA_SRV”

1. Service “MIG_MC_ODATA_SRV”

Now we will add the required Odata service “MIG_MC_ODATA_SRV” to resolve this error

1.1 Transaction – “/n/IWFND/MAINT_SERVICE”

Run the transaction /n/IWFND/MAINT_SERVICE

Click on “Add Service” as shown in the below screenshot


System Alias “Local”

External Service “MIG_MC_ODATA_SRV”

And select the package assignment as “$TEMP”

The Odata service is not configured correctly and we can start running the app sucessfully

Go to app and below page will be displayed

Picture: Creation of project

2. Loading of GL master data

We will load GL master data using the app “Migrate Your Data – Migration Cockpit to SAP S/4HANA”

2.1 Project Creation

Create the project as shown in the below screenshot

click on “Step 2”

Select “Local Package” and click on Step 3

Select migration object as “FI-G/L account” as shown in the below screenshot

Picture: Selection of Migration Object

Now click on “Create Project”

Project is created successfully

Picture: GL Migration project

2.2 Upload the completed Master Data file

Now select your project and upload the file

Picture : Upload the prepared GL master data in template

Note : you can download the template and fill your data. For this GL master data load project you can download the completed file in format from HERE.

You need to convert the file in XML format before uploading. You can download the completed file converted in XML and ready for upload for our car business GL accounts from HERE

2.3 Validations

Now system will run the validations and give the error/warning accordingly

Picture: Validations

2.4 Transfer Data to Staging Table

We will now transfer data to the staging tables.

Please click on “Transfer Data to Staging Table” as shown in the below screenshot

Picture: Transfer Data to Staging Table

Picture: Data transferred to the staging tables successfully

2.5 Preparing

Staging tables needs to be prepared before mapping and data transfer

Click on Prepare to start preparing the staging tables.

Picture: Preparing the Staging Tables

2.6 Mapping

Now system will present the different mappings between configured values and what loaded in the master

Click on “Mapping Tasks”

Picture : Mapping Tasks

In our master data , system has presented 13 mapping tasks

Picture : Mapping Tasks

We have now confirmed all the 13 mapping tasks one by one

Picture: Confirmed mapping tasks

2.7 Simulation

Once mapping tasks are confirmed, system will present the simulation “Option”

Picture: Simulation

2.8 Data Load

Now data load will start.

2.9 Migration Result

System will show the result in the form of error & successful

Picture: Migration Result

3. Error Correction

In our project of GL master data load there are total 61 errors as per the migration result

System has the provision of download only error records and work on them.

Let’s download the records in error in the format, correct them and reload.

3.1 Create correction file

Click on “create correction file” option. Check the screenshot in the above section.

Picture: “Create Correction File

also check error messages to know what went wrong.

Picture: Error Messages Checking

We can see the errors now

3.1.1 Error 1

The first error is “Account category N does not support cost elements”

Check our data file. We have marked these GL in error as Account type “N” incorrectly

Picture : Incorrect Account Type

These account should be “P” type instead of “N” type

Picture: Account Type N & P

We have corrected these accounts from “N” to “P”

Picture: Correction of GL Account Type
3.1.2 Error 2

The second error is related to a missing configuration.

Picture: Second Error

Let’s go to configuration

The path for this configuration is given below

SPRO –> Financial Accounting –> Financial Accounting Global Settings –> Ledgers –> Fields –> Define Field Status Variants

Select Field status variant “010” and click on “Field Status Groups”

Add “SEC0” and save

3.1.3 Error 3

The another error which we can encounter is given below

Picture: Third Error


Go to Code OY03 and there are two entries for “USD”.

Declare one of the entry as primary

Picture: Declaring the currency as “Primary”

4. Upload the corrected file

We have corrected file now. Upload the same

Picture : Loading of correction file

System will do the validation again and data is transferred to the staging table

Picture: data Transfer to Staging Table

Now we have simulated and ,migrated all the corrected records to S4 HANA successfully

Image by freepik

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